Life and Creativity of a Person living with Multiple Neurological Disorders

Tag middlesbrough

The leotarded footballer

PE is always a guessing game; we never know what we will be doing until we are through the changing room doors even then all we know is if it’s an inside or outside lesson. I’m sure Mr Duckman decides… Continue Reading →

Who would have thought the worst kid in school would be doing what I am doing right now.

Being undiagnosed and in denial I have had to learn to navigate through life using many techniques. School was extremely difficult, but I managed to leave with 7 GCSE’s and a bad reputation. I attempted the military which ended after… Continue Reading →

Slapped face and broken panes

The bell rings to signal end of registration, the class jumps into action and heads for the door. Its best to hang back and let them all get out first as getting between classes has always been a minefield of… Continue Reading →

School Trip Trouble

The best school trips are the ones you spend the journey there and back with your mates singing and having a laugh on the coach, much better than being in class. It’s the History school trip today and we are… Continue Reading →

Express yourself and leave

Music exam, brilliant, I love music. Miss McQueen is a great music teacher, she is often fun and frequently funny, I don’t get along with most teachers and most teachers certainly don’t like me. We saunter into the music room,… Continue Reading →

‘Of mice and men’ ‘Daydreams and Tics’

English and I’m at the front of the class, this is a nightmare! I can feel eyes burning the back of my head causing it to flick back and forth uncontrollably, why do I do this? Will it ever stop?… Continue Reading →

The soggy teacher

Biology and no sign of Mrs Humes in the lab, the girls take the lead and we all go in. Everyone is taking their places like good little pupils. why are they wasting a rare opportunity to have some freedom… Continue Reading →

My Wife and I on the BBC talking about my Tourette’s Diagnosis in 2013

Well worth a listen as my wife didn’t really notice for 6 years that i had tourette syndrome but thought something was really wrong. Click the link below. Related Images:

No filters or efficient communication ? ADHD,Tourette’s and me.

Living with ADHD, Tourette’s, ASD and all the other things that tag along, communicating with Neurotypical’s can often end with misunderstanding and offence. This is usually because I have no filters, I do not see the offence in things and… Continue Reading →

My article on living with Tourette Syndrome in 2015 Related Images:

Battery acid and shiny bog paper

It’s Chemistry second lesson and as we walk in Mr Fleming has a car battery and a few othe itmes set up on his desk at the front of the lab. We gather around as instructed as he begins to… Continue Reading →

A few samples of my photos

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