Life and Creativity of a Person living with Multiple Neurological Disorders

Category Insight

Living, learning and experiencing life with my multiple neurological disorders, I have gained knowledge and insight which I aim to share with anybody who can benefit from it.

The inception of Neurologically Challenged

Neurologically Challenged was born from a tic during an awkward moment with some strangers when one of my tic’s shouted “I am just neurologically challenged.”

Auditory Processing Disorder: Being unable to tune out background noise & delayed processing of sounds into words.

Auditory processing issues are something I’ve always struggled with and even with knowledge understanding and coping strategies they can still have a negative effect on my daily life and some days more than others. I always aim to explain things… Continue Reading →

No! not everyone has ADHD, Autism, Tourettes or OCD

Sitting at the end of a table at a family function I managing to keep the tics to an unnoticed minimum, even hearing every voice in the room at the same time isn’t driving me as mad as it usually… Continue Reading →

Inclusion and Integration can still lead to Exclusion: So why is it going so wrong for some pupils?

Education through inclusion or integration, why is it so important for pupils with special educational needs? Integration is a one size fits all approach which means all pupils learn together in the same way and pupils with special educational needs… Continue Reading →

Hidden Disabilities or Disabilities being Hidden?

The term ‘hidden disability’ is becoming quite common and hidden disabilities are becoming more recognised and understood. But there is a difference between having a hidden disability and actively hiding your disability. I live with ADHD, ASD, ME/CFS and PTSD… Continue Reading →

Navigating the Neurotypical world: My Car Analogy

Imagine you’re driving a brand-new car, and everything is working perfectly fine, you’re out in traffic, you can stop at the lights keep up with other vehicles, brake when people slow down and all your lights work signalling your intentions… Continue Reading →

Learning disability or a flawed education system

I don’t struggle with learning a subject that I have a keen interest in and when the learning is done my way and my pace which can be extremely fast but can also cease at the drop of a hat… Continue Reading →

Living with fatigue after a severe infection.

A quest for answers I always had issues with my sinuses, nasal tics did nothing to help either. After speaking with a consultant, it seemed I had a badly deviated septum and an operation to correct this would be beneficial,… Continue Reading →

Hiding Neurodiversity in plain sight: A lifetime of Masking, Suppressing and Acting.

Growing up in a violent home, being unnoticed was important, from a very early age I learned the art of masking and suppressing the conditions I didn’t even know I had. The skills that I mastered as a child and… Continue Reading →

Cerebral Visual Impairment: Finally, answers as to why objects become invisible to me.

I have always had issues with finding things and began to realise quite often it was down to remembering the colour, especially if the item had been recently replaced and the colour was not the same. This morning I filled… Continue Reading →

My resilience doesn’t protect me from the past: Living with Complex PTSD

People who know me, know I cope very well in chaotic situations and that traumatic events have little effect on me. I live daily with complex PTSD and a large range of triggers that come from a decade of emotional,… Continue Reading →

Positivity attracts positivity

Our physical and the virtual worlds can become what we allow into them good, bad, or indifferent. Jo Cole, Sadhguru and Jordan Peterson are three names I can say began changes in the direction of my life and self-image. The latter… Continue Reading →

Acceptance is for life

I do not have any issues with awareness and acceptance days, weeks, or months. In fact, I think they are essential and make a big difference, it’s the time in between that I have issue with. I think that we… Continue Reading →

Ode to my Demons

Poetry always seems to come to me at the most unusual times and often links to strong emotions or extreme times with my neurological and mental health. The brain never ceases to suprise me and this time it creates a… Continue Reading →

Neglecting the Physical while concentrating on the Neurological

While I am so heavily focused on my mental and neurological health I often dismiss or put aside My physical health. In recent years this has come back to bite me. The anxiety and stress caused by my neurological and… Continue Reading →

Related Images:

PTSD and Me

Having so many things to mask and hide growing up and in early adulthood I never realised that I had PTSD until I met somebody much like myself, somebody who also had an abusive childhood, Tourette’s and ADHD. It wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Hidden tics the reality of my stealthy Tourette’s

There have been many occasions I have sat at the end of the day and thought to myself “I haven’t tic’d today”, then one night I realised I had been ticcing and in fact ticcing quite a lot all day…. Continue Reading →

Obsessive balancing the need for things to be even

Obsessive balancing a term I use personally but what am I referring too? Imagine that your body was so sensitive and in tune with itself that any touch, feeling or sensation is registered in such a way that your brain… Continue Reading →

Happy to see you, disappointed your alive

Living with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, Autism, PTSD and the other conditions that come along with them can make the most ordinary part of the day into something quite extreme, even if it is in my head. One such moment is… Continue Reading →

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