Over the years many people have made big changes in the opinion and understanding of Tourette Syndrome, we have felt more comfortable out in public and less embarrassed about our tic’s. There is still some stigma, lack of understanding and… Continue Reading →
Something doesn’t feel right today as I walk to school, when i pass through the gates and approach the entrance my whole body feels a bit weird. Opening the double doors they creak loudly, the sound is very irritating and… Continue Reading →
I wake and my brain begins to load up like an old laptop. The surreal reality of the pandemic lockdown begins to take over my thoughts and feelings for yet another day. The words Covid 19 play through my head… Continue Reading →
I like Art, It’s a good lesson and I feel less twitchy when I’m busy painting and drawing. Mr Mizer our art teacher looks a bit like a farmer and the word around the school is he actually lives on… Continue Reading →
Are some schools allowing bullying to lower the number of children with additional needs? I am aware of more and more cases where children with additional needs are being bullied, the bullying is not being dealt with appropriately, the victims… Continue Reading →
Joe and I both have Tourette Syndrome and have spent most of the day wandering York on a street photography trip. Our tic’s have been bouncing off each other, but among the busy street we don’t stand out too much… Continue Reading →
Living with ADHD, ASD, Tourette’s and all that comes along with the conditions, reading has never been a strength of mine, in fact it’s been almost impossible. I do though have a desire to learn everything I can about things… Continue Reading →
I’m in town and it’s not too busy so I may get some shopping done. “Hey!” I shout, this is my most common tic and it causes a man to turn and look. In a flash I shout “F**king d*ck!”… Continue Reading →
Living with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, Autism, PTSD and the other conditions that come along with them can make the most ordinary part of the day into something quite extreme, even if it is in my head. One such moment is… Continue Reading →
Enhanced senses like hearing, sight and smell seem like a real advantage and some sort of superpower, but in reality, it’s not that good and is more of a hinderance and sometimes a real nightmare. Imagine being able to hear… Continue Reading →
Its Biology with Mr Montego, we have only had him a few times before, he’s a nice teacher; his only downfall is he dresses like Michael Jackson, also he rides a motorbike to school which sounds like a hairdryer. Other… Continue Reading →
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