Life and Creativity of a Person living with Multiple Neurological Disorders

Category Insight

Living, learning and experiencing life with my multiple neurological disorders, I have gained knowledge and insight which I aim to share with anybody who can benefit from it.

Sensory processing disorder a superpower or an affliction?

Enhanced senses like hearing, sight and smell seem like a real advantage and some sort of superpower, but in reality, it’s not that good and is more of a hinderance and sometimes a real nightmare. Imagine being able to hear… Continue Reading →

Finding my lost tribe

Without realising it I have been searching for my lost tribe most of my life. I only realised I had been looking and that they exist when I finally found them. Even then at first glance they seemed alien to… Continue Reading →

No filters or efficient communication ? ADHD,Tourette’s and me.

Living with ADHD, Tourette’s, ASD and all the other things that tag along, communicating with Neurotypical’s can often end with misunderstanding and offence. This is usually because I have no filters, I do not see the offence in things and… Continue Reading →

Even numbers and multiples of 5

Among the many issues I deal with daily one of the many that drives my wife crazy and adds to my anxiety is the obsession for things to be even numbers or multiples of 5. I will try to explain… Continue Reading →

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