I have lived with ADHD, Tourette’s, ASD and a bunch of other related conditions my entire life.

One of my biggest challenges has been dealing with sensory overload, sound being the worst.

There are many noises that affect me such as vibrations, clicking, eating, tone of voice etc.

I have had many pairs of headphones over the years in an attempt to block out sounds and enjoy my music, so many pairs that my wife is on the verge of banning me from buying anymore.

I decided recently to go for broke and buy the best headphones on the market that suit my needs, in the pursuit for perfection I bought a pair of Sony 1000xm3 headphones and going for broke was no joke they cost me a pretty penny.

Every pretty penny was worth spending as you would think these headphones were designed with me in mind.

OK so most people would start with the noise cancelling or sound quality, whereas I’m going to start with the ambient sound setting which can only describe as noise cancelling but it lets selective sound in.

Using the app on my phone to adjust the ambient settings to suit me I can now block out harmful noises and at the same time still hear people talking, this means I am no longer in trouble with my wife for having fingers in ears when she talks or getting anxious rage while trying to listen which also annoys her.

Most mornings I get up and put headphones on with music to block the world now I can just put these babies on with the noise cancelling and I can block the offensive sounds I usually hear without the need for playing music.

Going out and about shopping and going to the gym is much better leaving me with less anxiety and stress also travelling on the train is no longer a journey i dread.

These headphones are very easy to set up and use and the added bonus is that the sound quality is amazing, and the bass is perfect.
If you have sensory issues with sound and prepared to spend the money for relief then I highly recommend these headphones or any with similar features as they have helped me immensely.

Ive added a link for anyone to check them out.


Neurodiverse reviews



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