Life and Creativity of a Person living with Multiple Neurological Disorders

Author Gordon Williams

Positivity attracts positivity

Our physical and the virtual worlds can become what we allow into them good, bad, or indifferent. Jo Cole, Sadhguru and Jordan Peterson are three names I can say began changes in the direction of my life and self-image. The latter… Continue Reading →

Acceptance is for life

I do not have any issues with awareness and acceptance days, weeks, or months. In fact, I think they are essential and make a big difference, it’s the time in between that I have issue with. I think that we… Continue Reading →


Ode to my Demons

Poetry always seems to come to me at the most unusual times and often links to strong emotions or extreme times with my neurological and mental health. The brain never ceases to suprise me and this time it creates a… Continue Reading →

The flying onion

Home from school and my tea shovelled down, I’m off out to call for my mates. I never know who will be coming out, I go to Paul’s house first, he joins me and we head off to call for… Continue Reading →

My Neurologically Challenged Journey

I was asked to write a brief narrative of my life in the context of my neurological disorders and mental health to be used as a part of an educational book. I needed to fit in everything from the abuse… Continue Reading →

Neglecting the Physical while concentrating on the Neurological

While I am so heavily focused on my mental and neurological health I often dismiss or put aside My physical health. In recent years this has come back to bite me. The anxiety and stress caused by my neurological and… Continue Reading →

This is the way I am, it is who I am

Living with Tourette Syndrome, ADHD and High functioning autism means there are many times I confuse or offend people. I try to explain that I am not deliberately offensive and that this is the way I am, it is who… Continue Reading →

A little more than OCD? The obsessive-compulsion that almost took my eye.

When I took delivery of my new Henry vacuum cleaner and removed it from the box it was not long before the obsessions began. The suction is quite powerful and there is a button to boost the power, for some… Continue Reading →

‘The Hyperactive Jellyfish’

As usual I set off late to school with half of a broken pen, splintered shatterproof ruler, rolling eyes and a tic in my neck. Although I arrive late, I just make it to registration, which surprisingly goes well without… Continue Reading →

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PTSD and Me

Having so many things to mask and hide growing up and in early adulthood I never realised that I had PTSD until I met somebody much like myself, somebody who also had an abusive childhood, Tourette’s and ADHD. It wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Hidden tics the reality of my stealthy Tourette’s

There have been many occasions I have sat at the end of the day and thought to myself “I haven’t tic’d today”, then one night I realised I had been ticcing and in fact ticcing quite a lot all day…. Continue Reading →

My anxiety and obsessions when catching a train

The phone rings briefly followed by my wife shouting with excitement “your taxi’s here Gordon”. She is not coming with me she is just happy to get some respite from me and have a quiet day. Although I have packed,… Continue Reading →

Obsessive balancing the need for things to be even

Obsessive balancing a term I use personally but what am I referring too? Imagine that your body was so sensitive and in tune with itself that any touch, feeling or sensation is registered in such a way that your brain… Continue Reading →

20 pics from my street collection

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It is a scary time for some people with Tourette’s

Over the years many people have made big changes in the opinion and understanding of Tourette Syndrome, we have felt more comfortable out in public and less embarrassed about our tic’s. There is still some stigma, lack of understanding and… Continue Reading →

The Bunsen burnt bench

Something doesn’t feel right today as I walk to school, when i pass through the gates and approach the entrance my whole body feels a bit weird. Opening the double doors they creak loudly, the sound is very irritating and… Continue Reading →

Neurodiversity, Covid 19 and the Lockdown. ‘We need to talk’

For everyone this is a very surreal time indeed, the shops are nothing like they used to be, we are isolated from family and friends, routines for most have been replaced with social distancing measures and the whole world in… Continue Reading →

Shopping with Tourette’s during a Pandemic, What could possibly go wrong?

I wake and my brain begins to load up like an old laptop. The surreal reality of the pandemic lockdown begins to take over my thoughts and feelings for yet another day. The words Covid 19 play through my head… Continue Reading →

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